12 Signs You’re Called to the Spiritual Journey

Have you ever felt like you were called to something more? More than your current reality? If you’ve been feeling this way, it may be because you’re called to the spiritual journey.

This journey is not for the faint of heart. It will challenge everything you know and force you to grow in ways you never thought possible. But if you’re ready for it, here are 12 signs that you’re called to the spiritual journey.



1. You’re sensing a greater purpose for your life

You’re sensing a greater purpose for your life

If you feel like you're just going through the motions day after day, it might be time to reassess your life and see if there's something more that you're meant to be doing.

Have you been feeling like there's more to life than what you're currently doing? A sense that you're meant for something greater? If so, you may be called to the spiritual journey.

This journey is about discovering who you are and why you're here. It's a process of self-awakening and growth that can lead to a profound transformation in your life.



2. You feel a deep connection to nature

You feel a deep connection to nature

You feel most alive when you're outdoors, surrounded by trees, flowers, and fresh air. You have a deep appreciation for the natural world and all of its creatures. Even in the midst of a busy city, you can find solace in a nearby park or green space.

This connection to nature isn't just an aesthetic preference – it's a deeply felt spiritual connection. For you, communing with nature is a way of reconnecting with the divine. It's an opportunity to step out of the hustle and bustle of everyday life and connect with something greater than yourself.

This connection can manifest in different ways – perhaps you enjoy hiking or camping, or maybe you simply find peace in spending time in your garden. However it shows up for you, this connection is an essential part of your spiritual journey.



3. You have a strong interest in philosophy and spirituality

You have a strong interest in philosophy and spirituality

If you find yourself constantly drawn to philosophical and spiritual concepts, it's likely that you're called to the spiritual journey.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to abandon your current life path and become a monk or a hermit. But it does mean that you have a deep desire to explore the meaning of life and your place in the universe.

This calling can manifest itself in many ways. You might find yourself reading books on philosophy or watching documentaries about different religious beliefs.

You might start attending meditation classes or going on retreats. Or you might simply start spending more time alone in nature, reflecting on your own thoughts and feelings.

If you feel called to the spiritual journey, trust your intuition and follow your heart. The path may not be easy, but it will be incredibly rewarding.

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4. You’re open to new beliefs and practices

You’re open to new beliefs and practices

You may find that your spiritual journey leads you to investigate and embrace new beliefs and practices. This can be exciting and liberating, as you explore different aspects of the divine and expand your understanding of the world.

You might find yourself drawn to alternative healing modalities like reiki or acupuncture, or interested in learning about energy work or chakra balancing. You may feel a pull towards nature-based spirituality, and find yourself spending more time in nature, connecting with the elements.

You may also start to notice synchronicities and meaningful coincidences in your life, which can be signs that you're on the right path. Trust your intuition and follow your heart – it will lead you exactly where you need to go.



5. You feel drawn to certain places or cultures

You feel drawn to certain places or cultures

There are many different cultures around the world with their own unique spiritual traditions. If you find yourself attracted to one of these cultures, it may be because you sense a connection to its spirituality.

There are many ways to connect with a culture's spirituality. You can learn about its history and traditions, read its sacred texts, participate in its ceremonies and rituals, or simply spend time in its natural environment.

Whatever form it takes, immersing yourself in another culture can help you deepen your understanding of your own spirituality.

Often, our deepest longings are actually clues that point us towards our life's purpose. So if you find yourself inexplicably drawn to certain places or cultures, it could be a sign that there's something there for you to discover.

Trust your intuition and follow your heart – it just might lead you on an amazing adventure.



6. You feel a need for solitude and introspection

You feel a need for solitude and introspection

If you’re constantly feeling like you need to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, it could be a sign that you’re ready to start exploring your spirituality.

This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to abandon your current life and head off into the wilderness – although that could be part of your journey. Instead, it may simply mean taking some time for yourself to reflect on your life and what it means to you.

This period of introspection can be a crucial part of discovering your true purpose in life. It's often only through stepping back from the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we can gain clarity on what we really want and who we really are.

If you're feeling called to this type of journey, trust your intuition and allow yourself the time and space to explore.



7. You’re called to service and compassion

You’re called to service and compassion

You have a deep desire to help others and make the world a better place. You're called to service because you understand that we're all in this together. We're all interconnected, and what we do for others, we do for ourselves.

Compassion is at the heart of your calling. You feel empathy for those who are suffering, and you want to help ease their pain. You see the beauty in everyone, even those who are lost or broken. You have a deep understanding that we are all One, and that by helping others, you are helping yourself.

This calling can manifest itself in many different ways. For some, it may be a desire to serve their community through volunteer work or other charitable acts. For others, it may be a passion for social justice or environmentalism. And for still others, it may be a deep need to connect with others on a spiritual level.

Whatever form it takes, if you feel called to the spiritual journey, know that you are not alone. There are many others who are on this path with you. And together, we can make the world a better place.

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8. You can be around other people without feeling the need to make them like you

You can be around other people without feeling the need to make them like you

The spiritual journey is not about seeking approval or validation from others. You can be around other people without feeling the need to make them like you.

This doesn’t mean you are antisocial or dislike people. It simply means that you are comfortable in your own skin and don’t feel the need to put on a show for others.

You may be content with who you are and what you have to offer. You may find that you're more interested in being authentic than in being liked.



9. You can stay focused on your work for hours at a time, uninterrupted

You can stay focused on your work for hours at a time, uninterrupted

When you feel a deep sense of peace and focus while you're working, it's a sign that you're doing what you're meant to do. The spiritual journey is one of self-discovery and growth, and it can be a challenge to stay focused on your goals.

But if you find that you can work for hours at a time without feeling distracted or overwhelmed, it's a good sign that you're on the right path.



10. You feel broken and need healing

You feel broken and need healing

There is no shame in feeling broken – we all are at some point in our lives. What matters is what you do with that feeling. Do you allow yourself to heal or do you stay stuck in a cycle of pain?

The spiritual journey is one of healing and transformation. It is a journey that will teach you how to love yourself and others unconditionally. It is a journey that will help you to find your true purpose in life.

If you feel called to the spiritual journey, know that you are not alone. There are many others on this path, and we are all here to support each other.

When we feel broken, it’s natural to want to put the pieces back together and make ourselves whole again. But sometimes the journey to healing is not so straightforward.

There may be wounds that run deep, and it can take time and patience to work through them. But if you’re feeling called to heal, it means that you have the strength and courage to do the work that’s needed.

There are many different ways to approach healing, both physically and spiritually. If you’re seeking physical healing, you may turn to traditional medicine or alternative therapies.

If you’re looking for spiritual healing, there are many options available as well, such as meditation, yoga, therapy, or prayer. The important thing is to find what works for you and to be open to exploring new possibilities.



11. You don’t connect with your faith anymore

You don’t connect with your faith anymore

When you were younger, you might have had a strong connection to your faith. But as you've gotten older, that connection has diminished. Maybe you no longer believe in the same things you did when you were younger.

Or maybe you just don't feel as connected to your faith community as you used to. Whatever the reason, if you find yourself feeling disconnected from your faith, it could be a sign that you're called to the spiritual journey.

It’s important to ask yourself why. What is it about your faith that doesn’t resonate with you anymore? Are there certain aspects of your belief system that you no longer agree with? Or, have you simply outgrown your faith?

It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right away. The point is to begin exploring why you feel disconnected from your faith. This can be a difficult process, but it’s an important part of finding your way on the spiritual journey.

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12. You lost a loved one recently

You lost a loved one recently

When we lose someone we love, it’s natural to feel broken and lost. We may question our faith and feel like we’re no longer connected to the things that once brought us comfort. This can be a difficult time, but it can also be a time of growth and transformation.

When someone we love dies, it is natural to grieve. We may feel sadness, anger, confusion, and isolation. These are all normal reactions to loss. However, if you find yourself drawn to the spiritual world during this time, it could be a sign that you are ready to begin your own spiritual journey.

There is no right or wrong way to grieve. But if you find yourself seeking out comfort in spirituality, it could be a sign that it is time for you to start exploring your own beliefs and connection to the divine. There are many resources available to help you on this journey, so do not hesitate to reach out for support.



Last Words

The spiritual journey is a deeply personal one that is different for everyone. However, there are some common signs that you may be called to embark on this type of journey.

If you find yourself sensing a greater purpose for your life, feeling a deep connection to nature, or having a strong interest in philosophy and spirituality, then it may be time to explore your spiritual side.

This journey can be intimidating, but it is also full of rewards. You will likely find yourself challenged and stretched in new ways, but the growth and transformation you experience will be well worth it. So if you feel called to the spiritual journey, don't hesitate to take that first step.


12 Signs You’re Called to the Spiritual Journey Pin


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

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