How To Use the 12 Laws of the Universe To Improve Your Life

The rules of the universe are there to direct us, keep us safe, strengthen our resolve, and assist us in weathering the storms that life throws at us.

We feel lost, frustrated, and we cannot see our purpose when we violate the laws of the universe. Plans become more difficult to realize and one obstacle after another appears.

People who live their lives in accordance with the laws of the universe are more confident, understand reality better, and find it easier to accomplish their goals.

It is believed that ancient cultures have always intuitively known the 12 laws of the universe. Without further ado, these are the 12 of the universe:



1. The law of oneness

1. The law of oneness

According to a fundamental law known as the Law of Oneness, absolutely everything in our universe is interconnected.

That is to say, the world and the people in your life are impacted by every choice you make, every word you say, every desire you have, and every belief you hold.

Sometimes this impact is immediate and obvious. In other cases, the impact might not show up for a while, or you might not even be aware that they have.

In order to live in accordance with this law, you should try o view yourself as a part of everything else. The realization that we are all a part of a single entity makes us more powerful and compassionate.



2. The law of vibration

2. The law of vibration

According to the Law of Vibration, every component in the universe is in a state of perpetual motion and is continuously transporting energy.

This is true for all elements in the universe, regardless of their size. This rule also applies to your computer desk as well as the chair that you are sitting on.

Everything has its very own unique energy frequency. Low-energy bodies are naturally attuned to other low-energy bodies, and similarly, high-energy bodies are naturally attuned to other high-energy bodies.

Do things that increase your energy frequency if you want to live a life that is more productive and fulfilling.



3. The law of repetition

3. The law of repetition

There are a lot of recurring patterns in the galaxy, some of them in our lives too.

If something unpleasant occurs to you, it is possible that something equally unpleasant may occur to another person on the other side of the planet at the same time.

Since everything is connected by a chain of causes and effects, it is essential to continuously learn from repeating life patterns. There is a reason why particular events keep happening over and over again.



4. The law of attraction

4. The law of attraction

The Law of Attraction states that you will attract whatever it is that you radiate. Therefore, in order to attract in your life the things that you desire, you need to figure out how to vibrate at the same frequency as those things.

The moral of the story is that emotional, proactive, and positive behavior will bring more good things into your life.

Pessimism, anxiety, and lethargic behavior will attract negative things. Make your life more beautiful, richer, and full of active experiences by applying the law of attraction.



5. The law of action

5. The law of action

The Law of Action and the Law of Attraction are two laws that are related. According to the law of action, we need to make an effort to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves.

There is a widespread misconception that all one needs to do to successfully apply the Law of Attraction is to visualize a goal and develop a positive attitude towards it.

You should actively work toward the thing that you are trying to attract. Regardless of what step you take, you will find that it increases your chances of attracting the kind of relationship, job, or greater abundance that you seek.



6. The law of constant energy transformation

6. The law of constant energy transformation

According to the law of constant energy transformation, everything that we see around us is in a state of constant flux.

Most of these changes are taking place on the cellular or atomic level, so you won't be able to observe them all.

It is extremely important to be aware of this law because it will show you how you can bring about positive change.

In particular, you should know that high vibration can trigger low vibration increases.

For instance, if you vibrate at a low frequency and then expose yourself to the high frequency of a happy and encouraging person, it will naturally trigger an energy transformation within you.



7. The law of cause and effect

7. The law of cause and effect

The principle that every action has an equal and opposite reaction is known as the law of cause and effect. When it comes to the physical aspects of the world, it goes without saying that it's true.

However, you may not have thought about how this law can be applied to the spiritual aspects of our universe.

Your spiritual life has the potential to influence the world around you and cause reactions, either positive or negative.

In a similar vein, your surroundings can influence your spirituality, either for the better or for the worse.



8. The law of correspondence

8. The law of correspondence

According to this law, the patterns that exist in the universe tend to repeat themselves on a personal level. What is occurring on the inside of us at any given moment is reflected externally in our reality.

If our lives are chaotic and full of fear, it is because chaos and fear reign within us. When things in our lives appear to be steady and calm, it's because we have achieved inner peace.

You should always ask yourself, “What can I learn about myself from this difficult situation?” whenever you find yourself at challenging times. This attitude promotes self-healing.



9. The law of relativity

9. The law of relativity

Everything is relative. Every law is connected to every other law, and they all influence one another.

The laws of the small are the laws of the great. Without comparison, there is no such thing as big or small, nor is there such a thing as fast or slow.

In order for a law to be considered a law, it must be relevant to all other laws. To put it another way, they have to be consistent with one another.

If you understand this law, you can understand and solve many mysteries of nature that seem paradoxical.



10. The law of polarity

10. The law of polarity

According to the law of polarity, everything that exists is its opposite. It is impossible for one to exist without the other, whether it be darkness and light, love and hate, happiness and sadness, health and sickness, or success and failure.

Without one, the other would not exist, and one has come into being through the absence of the other.

These dichotomies, also known as polar opposites, make up the greater good. We just have to understand the law and appreciation it.



11. The law of rhythm

11. The law of rhythm

Everything in the universe has a certain rhythm to which it vibrates and moves. These rhythms create the patterns and cycles we see in our lives.

The regularity of the universe is reflected in each cycle. Understanding this universal law will allow us to prevent and eliminate negative influences.

There will be times when you don't feel as good; nobody feels good all the time. We are only able to appreciate good feelings because we have experienced unpleasant ones first.



12. The law of gender

12. The law of gender

The law of gender is something that manifests itself in everything, male and female. This law is what governs what we refer to as creation.

The word “creation” is often misused, in fact, nothing was “created.” The only way anything new can emerge is through the transformation of something that already existed.

This law is the one that finally completes the circle of the twelve laws which makes up one great law.

This is the law of creation. It teaches that everything in nature possesses male and female characteristics. Both are necessary for there to be life.

In addition, it teaches that all ideas have an incubation period before they manifest.

In other words, when you choose a goal or build an image in your mind, there is a certain amount of time that must pass before that idea or image can become a physical result.

Understanding these laws and being able to conceptualize them in a way that is meaningful to you is the most important step toward incorporating them into your daily life.


Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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