There Are 10 Types of Empaths: Which One Are You?

People who are able to perceive and experience the feelings of those around them are referred to as empaths.

These highly sensitive individuals are often troubled by the fact that they are able to physically feel the emotions that others are experiencing.


Are You an Empath?

Are You an Empath?

If you are an empath, you will experience the following symptoms, not necessarily all of them:

– You are like a sponge, soaking up other people's emotions and carrying them with you.

– Physical pains in your body as a sign that someone close to you is ill.

– Physical and/or mental exhaustion and fatigue plague you often.

– You need solitude to “recharge” yourself because you find it to be refreshing.

– You often experience many moods or emotional states throughout the day.

– You find it unbearable to observe cruelty or violence.

– You're a great listener.

– People often come to you with their problems.

– Children and animals are drawn to you.

– You are caring and loving by nature.

– You're hyper-aware of the physical environment, e.g., smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing, etc.

– You find interpersonal conflicts intolerable.


10 Types of Empaths

10 Types of Empaths

Being an empath may give us a number of favorable characteristics and advantages; however, it may also bring about confusion, disorientation, and anxiety.

As a result, it is essential to name what we individually experience in order to better understand ourselves and to identify others who are like us.

This is why I have provided a list of the different types of empaths along with a brief description of each one below.

You will be able to begin the work with your soul once you have gained an understanding of who you are, what gifts you possess, and where you are in your life.

There are 10 different types of empathy and this is what you need to know about each one:



1. Communication with animals

1. Communication with animals

Many empaths have the ability to communicate with animals and have the ability to hear, feel, and even speak to them.



2. Emotional healing

This is the ability to feel and heal the emotions of those around you.



3. Clairvoyance

The ability to empathically understand what actions should be taken in any given circumstance is known as clairvoyance.

Clairvoyant empaths often experience feelings of calm and peace even when they are in the midst of chaos because they are aware of what is to come.



4. Geomancy

4. Geomancy

Geomancers are individuals who have the ability to sense the energy that comes from the earth. You are able to decipher information from the energy that the earth is radiating.

When earthquakes and other natural disasters happen, geomantic empaths often experience feelings of anxiety, as well as headaches and other physical symptoms.

Even if the earthquake is on the opposite side of the planet, you can still feel its effects.



5. Mediumship

5. Mediumship

Empaths who have the ability to sense the energy and presence of spirits are known as mediums. You can easily establish communication with them.



6. Nature empaths

6. Nature empaths

Those who are sensitive to the energies of nature and plants are known as nature empaths. You are able to communicate with them as well as sense their emotions.



7. Physical healing

7. Physical healing

People who are physically empathic are able to feel the physical pain of other people. In most cases, they are able to alleviate or transform the pain.



8. Prior knowledge

8. Prior knowledge

The empathic ability to sense when a significant event is about to take place is what we mean when we talk about prior knowledge. In most cases, this presents itself as an inexplicable feeling of doom.



9. Psychometrics

9. Psychometrics

Empaths have the ability to pick up on and make sense of the energy, impression, and information that inanimate objects give off. This ability is referred to as psychometry. This can include places, objects, and even photos.



10. Telepathy

10. Telepathy

People who are telepathic empaths have the ability to read the minds of those around them. This is the last level of empathy.

It is common for psychic abilities to come hand in hand with the ability to heal. Empaths are able to not only sense the energies but also to lend a hand in the process of healing them.

Because of this, most empaths decide to pursue careers in the healing arts. This can take the form of providing medical care, counseling, or any kind of work with plants, animals, or children.

Find out which of these levels corresponds the most closely to your current skill set. This will show you how to focus your healing abilities in the appropriate areas.

Keep a positive attitude about your psychic abilities as an empath, and you will find fulfillment in everything you do. The more joyful and at peace you are, the less the negative energies and emotions of other people will have an impact on you.

You should give meditation a shot if you find that you suffer from anxiety. Practicing grounding and protecting the aura is an important skill for empaths to develop.

Visualize a bright white light surrounding you and shielding you from the people who are draining your energy. If this white layer is not enough, imagine a rainbow of layers.

Maintain your connection to the earth and strive to find the balance within. Finding peace is easier when one experiences a sense of internal stability and security.

You have the ability to receive energy and also to share your healing energy if you are an empath.

If you find yourself in challenging circumstances, then you have the power to make things better. If you want to become a healer, use your intention wisely.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

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