10 Strange Things You’ll Experience When Your Third Eye Accidentally Opens

We frequently talk about the possibility of a sixth sense, which would give us a deeper understanding of the world we live in and the other people we interact with on a daily basis.

It is said that the third eye is the center of this sense; however, in order to access this power, one must first awaken the energy that is contained within the third eye.

It is commonly held that everybody has a third eye; what differentiates us from one another is whether or not we choose to make use of this latent ability. The opening of the third eye is a process; some people will spend their entire lives working toward the goal of figuring it out, while others won't even be aware that they have already achieved it.

The true secret does not lie in awakening the third eye; rather, it lies in recognizing it. It is time to understand if the signs you've noticed recently are related to the awakening of your third eye.

You will find below a list of the ten strange occurrences that take place when your third eye opens by accident:



1. You begin to think more deeply about what is in front of you.

You begin to think more deeply about what is in front of you

You have realized that the way you used to look at things was too simplistic and that what you now see is only a tiny portion of what is actually out there.

Because of this, you start to experience an alteration in your state of consciousness, and you begin to notice an increase in what is known as “your frequency.”



2. Reality does not seem to be so real anymore.

Reality does not seem to be so real anymore

When the third eye opens unintentionally, you might get the sensation of being cut off from the outside world. It's possible to get the peculiar impression that you're living in a dream as if everything were a fabrication and you've reached a point where nothing really matters.

This is due to the fact that the third eye establishes a connection between you and other realms, compelling you to become aware of the existence of things other than the physical world.



3. You notice a lot of synchronicities and “mirror numbers“.

You notice a lot of synchronicities and “mirror numbers“

You will be able to access a higher level of consciousness once you are able to open your third eye. You are aware that there are no instances of coincidental occurrences.

You start to become aware of all of the synchronicities that have been taking place around you the whole time. These synchronicities will reveal “significant coincidences” in your life that are improbable, ironic, and at times very helpful.

This occurrence is a “wink” from the universe, and it is a sign that your intuitive abilities are growing and that you are becoming more in tune with your core being.

Synchronicities are the mysterious forces that are responsible for bringing new people and experiences into our lives at what seems to be the perfect moment.

The more you allow yourself to become aware of these coincidental events, the more you will start to notice them. After opening your third eye, you will also be able to see the numbers in the mirror.

These numbers are going to be displayed everywhere, including on billboards, license plates, phone numbers, lottery tickets, account numbers, and a variety of other things. You may have noticed that the same numbers appear to be following you around everywhere you go.

They are attempting to convey some information to you. Your “spiritual guides” or your core self can communicate with you in a unique and profound way through the use of numbers.

You will be able to communicate with your spiritual guides if you are able to decipher the significance of these numbers and only you are able to understand “your message.”

Recommended: 11 Odd Behaviors that Indicate You Are Spiritually Awakened.



4. Your third eye gives you the ability to see, literally, the unity of all things.

Your third eye gives you the ability to see, literally, the unity of all things

By opening your third eye, you will begin to have access to higher states of consciousness and, as a result of this, to other dimensions.

There will no longer be any separation between you and the other people, between the observer and the observed, the individual and the collective, the creator and the creation.



5. You “see” colors and daylight in a completely different way.

You “see” colors and daylight in a completely different way

Alterations are made to each of the senses. The colors might appear more vibrant. You might pick up on some odd smells. You may also experience things that “should not really exist,” such as a strange feeling or sound.

Those who have accidentally opened their third eye may find themselves going through something that is almost on par with a psychotic break.



6. When you open your third eye, you may feel headaches.

When you open your third eye, you may feel headaches

The pressure is being applied to your temples. It's perfectly normal, and it's also an indication that the energetic capacity of your pineal gland is growing, which means that you start channeling the Kundalini energy even more.

This energy, which is also known as the “energy of the spirit,” will rise and accumulate close to your pineal gland in order to activate your third eye chakra.

Your “door” is now open. In some cases, you might also experience a feeling of warmth spreading throughout your entire body. You should try not to worry too much because there is a good chance that the Kundalini energy in your body is attempting to activate other important centers at the same time.

The reason for this is that the energy is supposed to activate all of your chakras by removing the detrimental obstacles that are in the way of your growth, and the reason why it does this is because it is meant to.

Recommended: 9 Steps to Find Yourself When You’re Lost in Life.



7. You begin to question yourself more and more about your life goal.

You begin to question yourself more and more about your life goal

Since your third eye is opening, you may start to feel things more clearly, such as the negative energy of your workplace or your relationship… or perhaps the true intentions of some of your friends or some members of your family. This is because your third eye is awakening.

This is a natural transitional phase that occurs during the awakening process. When you finally become aware of the truth of the situation, you have a very different perspective on your life.

It's like climbing a hill; once you get to the top, your perspective on everything is completely different than it was before. Everything might look the same from the outside.

The perfect state of synchronization is achieved when one is prepared to deal with any challenge that may be thrown their way. The end result is that you will arrive at different conclusions, and you might learn a lot about who you really are as a person as a result.

The opening of the third eye is a metaphor for transformation. It has the potential to alter both your perspective and your character. Because of the changes, you are now able to see love and divinity in everything. This opens up a lot of doors for you.



8. You are more aware of what you are eating.

You are more aware of what you are eating

You are aware that all things are composed of energy. As a consequence of this, your sensitivity to toxicity heightens, and you are now aware that even food is nothing more than energy and information; consequently, you are only interested in eating food that… truly nourishes you.

You will discover that you will naturally begin to be drawn to certain foods that you are not accustomed to eating, whereas you will be turned off by foods that you have been consuming for a considerable amount of time. Food that is energizing rather than food that is depressing should be consumed.

You have a heightened awareness of the foods that you consume.

You are literally vibrating to the food that you consume. After a certain point, your body will compel you to remove particular substances from your diet, even if you don't want to.

This is of the utmost importance, as your spiritual journey cannot function properly without proper food and nutrition. Once your third eye is open, you are able to appreciate all aspects of life.

When you do this, you not only start to worry about the state of our planet, but you also contribute to raising its vibration. As your level of consciousness rises, you will also become more aware of the fact that your sensitivity to toxic substances is growing.

It's a very normal and organic process that you don't need to try to control too much, but it's definitely another sign that you're going through some pretty significant transitions right now!



9. You can “capture” thoughts that are not yours.

You can “capture” thoughts that are not yours

You develop a more intuitive way of thinking. You have the ability to pick up on other people's thoughts just by being in their vicinity.

If you are experiencing this, it indicates that you have successfully stimulated your pineal gland.

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10. You have incredible lucid dreams.

You have incredible lucid dreams

The kind of dreams that stay with you for the rest of your life, because you'll have the sense that you can control them, and as a result, you'll be able to comprehend your authentic “infinite self.”

These are very vivid dreams, and you will experience them as if you were in a world of augmented reality. As a result, the landscape of your dreams becomes replete with feelings and locations, as well as “conversations” that are occasionally bizarre.

You are given the opportunity to tinker with and design your very own universe.



Helen Felix
Helen Felix

Helen is the founder of Spiritualify.org where she covers all things astrology — from horoscopes and zodiac guides to retrograde alerts and moon updates. She also writes about other mystical lifestyle topics, such as numerology, crystal healing, tarot, dream interpretation, and more.

1 Comment
  1. Thought that I was going crazy this really helped me u understand what is most likely going on with me

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