11 Weird Things that Affect Spiritually Gifted People

Although each of us has qualities that set us apart from others, some of us have gifts that surpass those of the majority. When looking for these gifts in ourselves, however, we often find that we are not up to the task. It is usually relatively easy to spot them in others, however.

The ability to comfort others all the way up to the capacity to communicate with the departed or anything in between may be considered a spiritual gift. They can come in a wide variety of forms, and each one is presented with a unique explanation.

If you're spiritually gifted, you might notice some weird things start to happen to you. You might sense when the weather is about to change, be strongly affected by your environment, and even wake up during spiritual or sacred hours.

Some people who are spiritually gifted find that their nightmares and dreams are so real they feel like memories. Animals may also be drawn to them, and they may always be surrounded by strangers.

If you're spiritually gifted, you might also find yourself feeling overwhelmed quite easily. But don't worry, it's all part of the journey!

Below we will discuss some weird things that have an effect on people who are spiritually gifted.

If you resonate with most of these, I would highly suggest you take our Free Spiritual Gifts Test which will help you identify your unique spiritual abilities or sensitivities.



1. They sense when the weather is about to change even if it’s not forecasted

They sense when the weather is about to change even if it’s not forecasted

They have this innate ability to predict when a storm is going to hit a given area. They are aware that it is going to rain even though the sky appears to be clear and the sun is shining brightly.

This may be the case due to the fact that their talents are associated with Nature, and their deep connection to the soul of the natural world enables them to perceive shifts in the climate or the passage of time.

Another possibility is that they are more sensitive to barometric pressure changes, which can indicate an impending storm. Whatever the cause, it’s definitely an interesting quirk of being spiritually gifted!



2. They are strongly affected by the energies of their environment

They are strongly affected by the energies of their environment

People who possess gifts are powerless to escape the energies that come before them. The majority of gifted people are only able to assist in the process of integrating them, while other people are able to ignore them.

A profound influence can be exerted on a gifted individual by the atmosphere of a room.

Another way that spiritually gifted people are affected by their environment is that they are sensitive to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). EMFs are invisible waves of energy that come from electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, and microwaves.

Many people are not affected by EMFs, but for spiritually gifted people, they can cause a variety of symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and trouble sleeping.



3. The lunar cycles affect them

The lunar cycles affect them

The moon has a strong effect on the tides, and it is said that it also affects our emotions. The lunar cycle can actually have a big impact on spiritually gifted people.

For example, they may find themselves feeling more intuitive or psychic during the full moon. Their dreams may be more vivid, and they may even feel a sense of connection to the spiritual realm.



4. They wake up during spiritual or sacred hours

They wake up during spiritual or sacred hours

Many spiritually gifted people find that they naturally wake up during what are considered to be the spiritual or sacred hours of the day. These hours are typically between 3 am and 6 am, and they often find themselves wide awake during this time even if they went to bed late the night before.

This is because their bodies are attuned to the natural rhythms of the earth and the cosmos, and these hours are when many powerful energies are at work. If you find yourself waking up during these hours, it could be a sign that you are spiritually gifted.

There are a few things you can do if you find yourself waking up during these hours and you want to make the most of this time.

First, try to quiet your mind and focus on your breath. This will help you to relax and center yourself. Then, you can use this time to meditate or pray, or simply spend some time connecting with your higher self or the divine. You can also use this time to journal, as many insights and messages come through during these holy hours. Trust whatever comes through for you, and know that it is guidance from above.

If you don't feel like doing any of those things, that's okay too. Just enjoy the peace and quiet of these special hours, knowing that you are attuned to something bigger than yourself.



5. Their nightmares and dreams are so real that they are like memories

Their nightmares and dreams are so real that they are like memories

Have you ever had a dream or nightmare that felt so real, it was like you were living it? For spiritually gifted people, this is often the case. Their dreams and nightmares can be incredibly vivid and lifelike, to the point where they can have a hard time distinguishing between what actually happened and what didn't.

This can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it means that they are able to access deep parts of their psyche and tap into their creativity. On the other hand, it can also lead to them feeling overwhelmed or anxious, as they can't always control what appears in their dreams.

There are some steps that spiritually gifted people can take to try and manage their dreams, such as keeping a dream journal or setting intentions before they go to sleep.

But at the end of the day, it's important to remember that these vivid dreams are just another part of who they are – and there is nothing wrong with that.

You have to understand that when we are asleep, the veil is thin, and beings and things from the other side are able to communicate with us through the eyes of our minds.



6. Animals are drawn to them

Animals are drawn to them

Animals, in general, have senses that are more acute than those of humans. They are able to detect feelings such as anger and kindness through their sense of smell.

They are able to pick up on our aura as a result of this, and as a result, they are drawn to those who are spiritually gifted.

They are drawn to the spiritual energy that these people exude, and when they are in their company, they experience feelings of protection and safety.



7. They are often always surrounded by strangers

They are often always surrounded by strangers

One of the most common things that spiritually gifted people notice is that they are often surrounded by strangers. It's as if there's a constant flow of new people entering their lives, and they can't help but feel a connection to them.

Those who are broken or lost are drawn to the gifted individual in order to be fixed or saved.

Even though a gifted person must be able to recognize when it is time to cut ties with others, this is frequently a challenge for them. This kind of person is constantly being pursued by others who want to obtain something from them, which can be very draining.



8. They strongly sense negative energy in a room

They strongly sense negative energy in a room

They are like walking energy radars that scan the room as soon as they enter it. Their radar has such a high level of sensitivity that it can pick up even the smallest amount of negativity in a room.

They are instantly aware of what people are thinking and feeling when they look at them, as well as whether or not something negative occurred in a room before they entered it.

Their ability to sense negativity is not intended to torment them by allowing them to perceive things that most people are almost completely oblivious to.

Their gift enables them to determine where they should focus their abilities and energy, what parts of themselves require healing, and what they should steer clear of when they are feeling energetically depleted.

Because of their unusually sensitive nature, they are able to pick up on positive energy much more effectively than other people.



9. Their emotions reflect in their surroundings

Their emotions reflect in their surroundings

People who are spiritually gifted often surround themselves with people and things that are a reflection of their own feelings.

When they are in a bad mood, everything will appear to be quite bleak, but when they are happy, the situation will be the complete opposite.

Just by looking at someone, you can usually get a good idea of what kind of mood they are in.



10. They become overwhelmed quite easily

They become overwhelmed quite easily

The spiritually gifted are often highly sensitive people. This means that they can be easily overwhelmed by their environment, both positive and negative.

For example, they may feel suffocated if they are in a crowded place with too much noise. Or, they may feel exhilarated when they are in nature surrounded by beauty.

Because they are so attuned to energy, the spiritually gifted can also become quickly overwhelmed by strong emotions. If they are around someone who is angry or upset, for example, they may absorb those emotions and feel them as their own.

This can be exhausting for the spiritually gifted person, and it is important for them to take time to recharge in order to avoid burnout.

Those who are conscious of their abilities have a better chance of working through this challenge, but those who are unaware of their abilities will have a much harder time figuring out how to restrain themselves in a scenario like this.



11. They cannot handle being out of bounds

They cannot handle being out of bounds

People who are gifted typically are not the types of people who thrive when pushing the limits of their abilities. They don't do much exploration and prefer to stick to what they already know.

Even though most people have the wrong impression about gifted people, those who stay within their comfort zones still have plenty of room for new opportunities. They are aware of their own capabilities.



How to Identify Your Own Spiritual Gifts

How to Identify Your Own Spiritual Gifts

Identifying your spiritual gifts often feels like embarking on a journey through the labyrinthine corridors of your inner self. These gifts, ethereal and enigmatic, are unique expressions of your deepest essence.

Recognizing and nurturing them is akin to nurturing a rare bloom in the garden of your soul. Here are steps to guide you in unveiling your spiritual prowess.


1. Take This Free Spiritual Gifts Test

What is Your Spiritual Gift - Free Test

This unique blend of scientific rigor and spiritual insight ensures an accurate and meaningful exploration of the spiritual abilities that reside within you.

Our test stands as a bridge to the unseen, crafted from extensive research and validated through rigorous trials to illuminate the spiritual gifts uniquely defining you.

Discover the extraordinary abilities that have been waiting to be recognized and celebrated within you.

Start Test!


2. Introspective Contemplation

Begin with introspective contemplation, an inward odyssey to explore the profound depths of your being. Allocate time for solitude, allowing the cacophony of everyday life to fade into a tranquil silence.

In these moments of seclusion, your soul's whispers become discernible, gently revealing the contours of your spiritual gifts.


3. Attune to Your Intuitive Echoes

Your intuition serves as a celestial compass, guiding you through the fog of uncertainty. Pay heed to these intuitive echoes; they are the subtle, often overlooked inklings that resonate with truth in your core.

Whether it's a sudden insight or a recurring sensation, these ripples in your consciousness are harbingers of your spiritual capabilities.


4. Explore Historical Footprints

Dive into the annals of your life's history. Recollections of past experiences can be fertile ground for discovering spiritual gifts. Reflect on instances where you felt inexplicably connected, moments that transcended the mundane.

These historical footprints often lead to revelations about your innate spiritual strengths.


5. Seek Synchronicity's Whisper

Synchronicity, the universe's clandestine orchestrator, often aligns events in a seemingly coincidental but profoundly meaningful manner. Recognize these synchronous occurrences as cosmic nudges, gently steering you towards realizing your spiritual potential.


6. Engage in Energy Practices

Energy practices like meditation, yoga, or Reiki offer a conduit for connecting with the universe's vibrational symphony. Engaging in these practices helps in harmonizing your energy with the cosmic flow, thus amplifying your spiritual receptivity and awareness.


7. Journal Your Journey

Documenting your journey is a powerful tool for spiritual discernment. Maintain a journal to capture your thoughts, dreams, and experiences. Over time, this personal trove of reflections can reveal patterns and themes, shedding light on your spiritual gifts.


8. Seek the Wisdom of Mentors

Embark on mentorship under the aegis of seasoned spiritual guides. Their wisdom and experience can illuminate your path, helping you to distinguish between genuine spiritual gifts and the misleading noise of ego or wishful thinking.

Remember, the quest to identify your spiritual gifts is not a sprint but a marathon, a journey marked by patience, introspection, and continuous growth. As you tread this path, stay attuned to the subtle nuances of your spirit, for therein lie the clues to your unique spiritual endowments.



Nurturing and Cultivating Your Spiritual Gifts

Nurturing and Cultivating Your Spiritual Gifts

Nurturing and cultivating these ethereal gifts requires a harmonious blend of introspection, discipline, and a profound connection with the universe.

Here are some steps to enhance and refine your spiritual acumen, ensuring your inner light shines brightly in a world that often shrouds the extraordinary in the mundane.


Embrace Solitude as a Sanctuary for Growth

Solitude is not mere silence; it's a symphony of inner dialogue and reflection.

Dedicate time to bask in the tranquility of your own presence. In these quiet moments, the whispers of your soul become audible, guiding you toward deeper understanding and clarity.


Engage in Mindful Meditations

Meditation is the art of listening with the soul. It transcends the chatter of the conscious mind, allowing you to attune to the subtle frequencies of the universe.

Through various forms of meditation, be it guided visualizations, mindfulness, or transcendental journeys, you can cultivate a serene mind, receptive to the nuances of spiritual communication.


Journal Your Journey

Documenting your spiritual escapades is akin to mapping the constellations of your inner universe. Journaling not only serves as a repository of your experiences but also helps in discerning patterns, messages, and growth trajectories in your spiritual voyage.


Cultivate Vibrational Harmony

Your vibrational frequency is the invisible melody that dances with the universe. Engage in activities that elevate and harmonize your vibrations.

This could be through chakra balancing, sound baths, or simply surrounding yourself with entities that resonate with your spiritual essence.


Foster a Community of Kindred Spirits

Spiritual paths are uniquely personal, yet sharing the journey enriches it. Engage with communities where wisdom, experiences, and support flow freely.

The collective energy of like-minded souls can amplify your own spiritual insights and offer diverse perspectives on navigating the ethereal realms.


Continuous Learning and Expansion

The realm of spirituality is boundless. Embrace the role of an eternal student, ever-eager to explore new dimensions of knowledge and practice. Whether through literature, workshops, or spiritual retreats, each learning experience is a stepping stone to higher consciousness.



5 Ways to Utilize Your Spiritual Gifts for the Greater Good

5 Ways to Utilize Your Spiritual Gifts for the Greater Good

The fabric of our existence is interwoven with myriad energies, and those attuned to these vibrations possess the unique capability to channel their gifts towards nurturing and uplifting humanity.

Here are five profound ways to utilize your spiritual gifts for the greater good:


Cultivate Compassionate Empathy:

Harness your empathetic prowess to become a beacon of solace in the lives of others. By attuning to the emotional frequencies of those around you, you can offer understanding and support that transcends the superficial, reaching into the very essence of their beings.

Empathy, when wielded with wisdom, can bridge divides, heal wounds, and create a sanctuary of trust and mutual respect.


Engage in Altruistic Healing:

Whether it's through Reiki, pranic healing, or other metaphysical modalities, channel your energy healing capabilities to restore balance and harmony in others.

Your hands and heart can become conduits of universal energy, guiding it to areas of blockage or disharmony, thus fostering physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in your community.


Impart Intuitive Wisdom:

Utilize your intuitive insights to guide others along their path, offering clarity amidst confusion and shining light on obscured roads.

Whether through tarot readings, astrological insights, or simply a deeply attuned conversation, your intuitive gifts can be a guiding star for those navigating the murky waters of life's uncertainties.


Create Sacred Spaces:

Leverage your sensitivity to energies by creating environments that resonate with peace and harmony.

Whether it's through Feng Shui, space clearing, or the arrangement of sanctuaries for meditation and reflection, your ability to arrange physical spaces can facilitate spiritual journeys for many, turning mundane areas into wellsprings of tranquility and inspiration.


Advocate for Ethereal Harmony:

As a spiritually gifted individual, you're uniquely positioned to be a steward of Mother Earth and her energies. Use your voice and influence to advocate for practices that honor our planet and its resources.

Promote sustainability, energy conservation, and respect for all beings, understanding that the welfare of one is intrinsically linked to the collective good.

In weaving these practices into the tapestry of daily existence, spiritually gifted individuals can transform their ethereal connections into tangible actions, fostering a world where spiritual enlightenment and earthly existence dance in harmonious synchrony.



3 Challenges Faced by Spiritually Gifted People and Coping Strategies

3 Challenges Faced by Spiritually Gifted People and Coping Strategies

Spiritually gifted individuals often find themselves attuned to the subtle whispers of the universe, a trait that, while enriching, also brings its own set of trials.

Here, we delve into three such challenges, along with strategies to transcend them, thus harmonizing the esoteric with the everyday.


1. Emotional Hyperesthesia: The Empath's Quandary

A spiritually gifted person often possesses an acute sensitivity to the emotional undercurrents around them, a condition one might term 'emotional hyperesthesia'.

This heightened empathy enables a deep connection with others but can also lead to an overwhelming absorption of external emotional tumult. To navigate this deluge of sentiment, it's crucial to cultivate robust grounding techniques.

Practices such as daily meditation, mindfulness, or even simple, rhythmic breathing exercises can serve as an anchor, allowing the empath to distinguish between personal emotions and external energies.

Moreover, embracing the protective shield of white light visualization can provide an ethereal buffer, safeguarding one's psychic sanctum.


2. Oscillating Energy Frequencies: The Vibrational Vortex

Those endowed with spiritual gifts often experience life as a vibrational vortex, sensitive to the subtlest shifts in energy frequencies. This sensitivity can manifest as a sudden onset of fatigue, unexplained mood fluctuations, or even physical symptoms without a clear medical etymology.

To maintain equilibrium amidst these oscillations, it is imperative to establish a sanctuary of serenity. This may involve creating a sacred space in one's home, replete with elements that resonate with personal energy frequencies — be it crystals, soothing colors, or harmonious soundscapes.

Regularly cleansing one's aura and living space using sage, sound bowls, or energy-based techniques also aids in recalibrating one's vibrational state, ensuring a harmonious resonance with the surrounding energies.


3. Temporal Dissonance: The Chronological Conundrum

A spiritually gifted individual might occasionally feel adrift in the temporal flow, experiencing what can be termed ‘temporal dissonance'.

This phenomenon encompasses a sense of being out of sync with conventional time, leading to challenges in aligning spiritual experiences with the linear progression of everyday life. To counter this, one may adopt practices that foster a mindful synchronization with the present moment.

Engaging in activities that fully absorb attention, known as ‘flow' activities, can anchor the spirit in the ‘now', harmonizing the soul's timeless essence with the earthly tick of the clock.

Journaling or maintaining a ‘synchronicity log' can also provide tangible anchors, helping to track and appreciate the intricate dance between the cosmic and the quotidian.



3 Famous Examples Of Spiritually Gifted Individuals

3 Famous Examples Of Spiritually Gifted Individuals

These individuals, with their unique connection to the unseen, have shaped the contours of spiritual understanding and continue to inspire those who tread the path of metaphysical exploration.

Here are three such illustrious figures, each embodying a distinct facet of spiritual giftedness.


Joan of Arc: The Mystic Warrior

In the annals of history, few figures shine as brightly as Joan of Arc, the peasant girl who, guided by divine visions, altered the course of an entire nation. Joan's spiritual giftedness was enigmatic yet palpable, her celestial communiqués empowering her with an unshakeable conviction.

Her ability to perceive messages from the ethereal realm transformed her from an obscure villager into a military leader whose strategies were as divinely inspired as they were tactically sound.

Joan's life, though tragically brief, serves as a testament to the profound impact that spiritual giftedness can have on personal destiny and the collective fate of nations.


Paramahansa Yogananda: The Harmonizer of East and West

In the tapestry of spiritually gifted individuals, Paramahansa Yogananda emerges as a unifying thread, bridging the spiritual wisdom of the East with the material pragmatism of the West.

His seminal work, “Autobiography of a Yogi,” stands as an edifice of spiritual literature, introducing the mystical depths of Indian spirituality to a global audience.

Yogananda's teachings, replete with insights into the nature of consciousness and the potential for human transcendence, continue to illumine the path for seekers of spiritual truth.

His life, dedicated to the dissemination of yogic knowledge, epitomizes the potential of spiritually gifted individuals to catalyze a collective awakening.


Carl Jung: The Cartographer of the Psyche

Venturing into the labyrinthine realms of the human psyche, Carl Jung uncovered archetypes and collective unconscious, territories that straddle the line between psychology and spirituality.

Jung's profound explorations into the depths of the human mind revealed the interplay between our spiritual experiences and our psychological constructs.

His concept of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences, offers a framework for understanding how the spiritually gifted navigate a universe woven with intricate connections and hidden meanings.

Jung's work, a confluence of science and spirituality, underscores the multifaceted nature of spiritual giftedness and its potential to unlock new dimensions of understanding.


These luminaries, with their extraordinary lives and legacies, exemplify the myriad ways in which spiritual giftedness can manifest and influence both individual journeys and the broader tapestry of human experience.

Their stories, embroidered with the threads of the mystical, continue to inspire and affirm the transformative power of spiritual awareness.



Last Words

We often think of spirituality as something ethereal and otherworldly, but the truth is that our spiritual selves are very much intertwined with our physical selves. Just as our physical bodies are affected by the world around us, so too are our spiritual selves.

If you're spiritually gifted, you might find yourself sensing things that others don't, or feeling more strongly affected by your environment. You might also notice that the lunar cycles have an impact on you, or that you tend to wake up during spiritual or sacred hours.

All of these things can be a bit overwhelming, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. There are others out there who understand what you're going through and can offer support and guidance.

An awakening might be in order, and it might show you a lot more than you could possibly imagine learning at this point. You are about to achieve greater and more gratifying success.


Marci Barr
Marci Barr

She is a curious, inquisitive, deep thinking, intensely feeling, otherworldly intuitive being who lives for signs, synchronicities and serendipities. Marci has a deep yearning to discover many of the answers that seem to have been hidden or forgotten in today’s world.

1 Comment
  1. Thank you that is exactly how my life is , sometimes I think I imagine it but reading your thoughts means I’m not. Today a very strange thing happened in waking hours I had a glimpse of a portal to the the other world the runs beside our own . This is something I have never seen before not with the naked eye in daylight outside . Unfortunately I didn’t see inside just the entrance kept opening and closing , maybe I should have gone through . Just wanted to tell someone who won’t think I’m crazy .

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